Friday, April 14, 2006

I'm in Lebanon!

As I drove over the border to Lebanon, I suddenly understood why Lebanese people are so passionate about defending their homeland. It is so incredibly beautiful here. It looked as if God Himself had hand-painted every detail on the mountainside. I could imagine Khalil Gibran and others wandering around and taking inspiration from the countryside.

The ocean was equally beautiful. I realized how much I had missed the ocean the past few years. When you grow up around it, you get used to it.

Now I am experiencing South Lebanon. So far it is really great! You wouldn't believe that there was a war here. They have built the country back up so much. One of my teenage dreams was to come to the land of Hizbullah, but like so many other dreams, it faded away as I became busy with other concerns in life. But once I got over the unease of entering to Lebanon alone (among the sentences I never thought I would say in my life was "How much is the taxi fare to Beiruit?"), the excitment came back. And so far so good -- Lebanon is really awesome!


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